Pricing Photo Usage or Licensing

There is no standard price for licensing/usage of images. It used to start at about $100 and go up to many thousands from there. But now, because of sites like Flicker, image prices start at about $2 and go up from there. A minimum for a commercial photographer is probably $100. Any less is often not worth your time and effort, unless it is a multiple image sale. It also sends a message to your clients that your photography is not worth very much. An exception, of course is non-profits or work for causes you believe in. But even they pay the going rate for electric, plumbing, printing, accounting etc. yet often expect photography or creative services for free. It shows how little we value the arts. In those cases I try and make it a donation rather collect a tiny fee. Or if I bill them only $100 per image I write on the invoice that it is a discounted non-profit rate and not the normal rate.

Prices for an image depend on:
 – How the image will be used- billboard, brochure, magazine ad?
 – Do they want exclusive rights or can you sell it to others?
 – How long will the image be used for: One time, one month, 1 year, 5 year, forever?
 – Is the publication local, regional or national?
 – How big is the circulation/how many will see the image?
 – If a brochure, what is the print run (how many are printed)?
 – If for an ad, what is the size of the ad: ¼ page, ½ page, full page. double page spread?

Using these guidelines, photo usage for an ad costs more than for a a brochure. A full-page ad costs more than a 1/4 page ad. But how much still depends on your experiene, the quality and uniqueness of the photo, how badly they need your image (as opposed to hiring a photographer to shoot it). Most of all usage fees depend on how the photo will be used and for how long.

In the end you have to determine what is fair to you and to your client, while finding the price point what you are comfortable with. It is good to know what is the lowest you would ever accept before entering into negotiations. You could also try and find out what they have paid for images in the past.