October 24 - 27, 2024

Assignment/Response Workshop

October 24 - 27, 2024

Photography as a Path of Spirit is an invitation to redefine not only what is personally suitable subject matter but our whole approach to creative expression. Inspiration will be sparked by a balance of conversation, meditation, photo sharing, critiques, writing exercises, readings, poetry and more. Numerous photographic exercises and assignments designed and sequenced for both internal and external growth will help deepen our creative process.

This weekend workshop is about making, not taking, photographs by nourishing a deepening in our heart/soul/self and then bringing that awareness into our photo making process. We will work on giving our photos more layers of meaning to make stronger, more powerful images.

Inspiration will be sparked by a balance of conversation, readings, poetry, and writing exercises. Much of our time will be spent outside working on photo assignments and exercises. Fun, laughter and introspection are to be expected.

Located in downtown Greenville, SC, the SE Center for Photography is an exhibition and education venue promoting the art and enjoyment of fine photography. Their exhibitions, workshops, and events cover all aspects of photography to encourage and inspire the photographer in all of us.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND:  Open to all levels but students should have a good working knowledge of their camera and want to take their image making to a more meaningful and personal level. Digital and film, in all formats, are welcome.

DATES: October 24 - 27, 2024 Thursday evening - Sunday afternoon

Thursday 6:00 - 8:30 pm

Friday & Saturday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Sunday 8:30 am - 3 pm

COST: $525 (SEC4P members) – $625 (non-members)

REGISTER: Contact SE Center for Photography

“While away from all distractions, I felt my strongest connection with nature ever.  I sensed the scale of the universe, especially on those clear nights when the Milky Way was just beyond arm’s reach.  This is the place to step back in time and find one’s center through simple living, community meals, and cooperative care of the earth.  There is a constant, but not nagging, reminder of our human impact on our planet, whose curvature is remarkably visible on the horizon, and the images we crafted hopefully showed our compassion for her.”

– Margaret Grosspietsch, Minneapolis, MN 

“I want to say a hearty thank you for all you brought to my photographic perspectives this past week.  Suffice it to say I am bringing a new eye and way of seeing to my work as an artist and have actively begun thinking about how to turn my work toward more art and less of whatever may be keeping me from it!  It was, for me, a life-bending experience at the very least.”

– Ann Marie Waterhouse, Sun Prairie, WI

“As a mother of two, running a business, this Creed gave me permission to make time for my own art and so discover a world full of more fun and joy than I could have imagined.
Thank you to all of you for making a South African living in North Carolina so welcome in Minnesota.  Mallard Island was an amazing experience and taught me so much.  I am grateful to you all. The week was magical.  Thank you for creating a safe and grounded container for the self-discoveries and for the canoe ride to honor the rocks.”

– Catherine Anderson, Charlotte, NC

“Thanks for being a great teacher. I may totally take this back when I get my film developed, but I feel like I have gained a lot of confidence as a photographer. And I am hooked on your workshops. I hope I can do more in the future.”

– Jennifer Starbright, Minneapolis, MN

“Thank you for a beautiful week of learning and growing.”

– Anne Field, Mendota Heights, MN