Six Months
Invest in your artistic growth and move your photography or art career forward with a six month Mentorship. Work one-on-one with Doug to refine your creative vision, focus your photographic talents and advance your artistic and/or career goals with a 6 month Mentorship Program.
More info below.
Invest in your artistic growth and move your photography or art career forward with a Mentorship.
Work one-on-one with Doug to refine your creative vision, focus your photographic talents and advance your artistic and/or career goals with a Mentorship Program.
Your mentorship begins with a comprehensive discussion, overview and analysis of your current strengths and weakness’ along with an assessment of your artistic development: where you are, where you’ve been, where you are headed and most importantly, what are your artistic and photographic goals.
Focus on your needs and desires for artistic growth and your creative and/or professional aspirations, while examining all aspects of your creative process as well as explore options for further development of photographic skills.
The mentor relationship continues via individual in-person, phone, email or video chat sessions every one to two weeks, providing the creative support you need to keep you on track and held accountable to achieve your personal and professional goals. It can also include photo assignments, writing assignments, as well as photo reviews and constructive criticism of work in progress. Each mentorship is unique and is custom designed for exactly what you need and what is most effective for you to achieve your personal goals.
Timing: Your mentorship start date can be any time of year, depending upon Doug’s schedule and the best timing for you. It’s also possible to put the Mentorship on hold for a month if you need a break or are going to be traveling, etc. Then you can resume your mentorship when you are back and ready to go again.
This mentorship is certain to provide forward momentum for your photographic path.
“May you have the wisdom to enter generously into your own unease
to discover the new direction your longing wants you to take.“
–John O’Donohue
Your mentorship includes:
• A pre-workshop consultation
• Guidance in all areas of your photography
• Creative renewal and discovery
• Uncovering and/or refining your artistic direction
• Review and overhaul of your personal artistic process
• Review and critique past bodies of work, looking for threads and themes
• Ongoing review of your artistic development
• Review and critique of work-in-progress
• Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly phone or in-person meetings
• Goal setting and developing an action plan for implementing goals
• Development of a vision-plan based on your intended direction
• Portfolio building or review, critique and analysis
• Review of your website with specific suggestions for improvement
• Analysis of your on-line presence
Your mentorship can also include:
• Preparing image submissions for publication, exhibition or photo contests
• Analysis of which photo competitions and exhibits are worth submitting to
• Preparing, editing and designing a photo book for publication
• Preparing and editing an on-demand or self-published published book
• Finding the right gallery or exhibit space for your work
• Submitting your work for a gallery exhibit or for gallery representation
• Finding your place in the art market; local, national or international
• Developing and implementing your marketing and promotional plan
• Creating identity and branding materials, etc.
• Custom photo assignments and exercises, in studio or on location
• Review and analysis of tools used; camera, computer, software, printer
• Image review and critique of assignments, based upon personal goals
• Analysis of your technical process: exposure, development, etc.
• Editing and corrections using Bridge, Lightroom, Photoshop or iPhoto
• More effective use of natural light
• On-camera, off-camera strobe and studio lighting set up and use
• Photo shoots done together could include models/nudes/portraits
(Doug can arrange the models, you pay the model fees)
• Technical advice and training
• Fine-tuning and refining your B&W darkroom or digital printing skills
Mentorships can start at any time. Availability is very limited so please call or email to discuss next available opening.
• $5,500 for Six Month Mentorship (does not include Private Workshop)
• $7,500 for Six Month Mentorship with Private Workshop
Includes 3 day Private One-on-one Workshop, all inclusive including food & lodging at Trade River Retreat Center, WI or at a location of your choice (you pay travel expenses)
Deposit: $1,000 paid to Vision Quest. Email Doug to Register.

“Doug has become my mentor. He has a generous spirit that is always encouraging, insightful, and thought provoking. Doug’s never-wavering focus on his art, along with his openness to share his rich knowledge, has transformed my life as an artist.”
— Marti Corn, graphic designer and photographer