Maine Media Workshops
Rockport, Maine
June 30 - July 4, 2025
Join us for a powerful week along the rugged Maine Coast exploring new ways of seeing and making photographs that emerge from a more personal and intimate place. We will learn to harness intuition, spirituality and even introversion, as creative forces in our art, life and photography. We revitalize our creativity by exploring the relationship between subject, camera and self.
More info below...
By cultivating simplicity with purpose and vision, we will create more powerful, as well as more personal photographs, supporting the concept that good photographs are not ‘taken’ but ‘made’. More depth and meaning is encoded into our work by becoming more in touch with our inner selves, then using that awareness to deepen the connection with our chosen subject; whether person, place, or thing.
Creative Mindfulness is a challenging invitation to redefine not only what is personally suitable subject matter but our whole approach to creative expression. Inspiration will be sparked by a balance of group discussion and talks, sharing work-in-progress, critiques of assignments, personal feedback, writing exercises, readings, poetry and even meditation morphing into action.
Through a calculated series of daily photo exercises and assignments, we will increase visual awareness while clarifying our approach, making images that are both deeply personal and more meaningful. Insightful and powerful photographs will be created by cultivating simplicity and by developing the power of intuition, fueled by the balance of contemplation and decisiveness (be mindful/act now). We will also pay attention to lighting, composition, depth-of-field and exposure issues but don’t be scared- this is not a technical workshop! Much practical advice is given in these areas but more importantly we practice using this information to make more meaningful images.
Workshop info on Maine Media website
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: While participants must have a strong working knowledge of their cameras, the creative process of image making will be emphasized over the mechanics of camera use. Both digital and film, in all formats are welcome. Open to all levels of experience but better suited to those looking to expand their creativity and vision than those seeking technical help.
CLASS LIMIT: 12 students
DATES: Monday June 30 – Friday August July 4, 2025.
COST: See Maine Media website. Meal and lodging options available
LODGING: On campus at Maine Media apartment/dorms 9no vehicle needed!) or on your own at a local hotel or Airbnb (will need own transportation). See Maine Media website.
REGISTER: via Maine Media Workshops

“I returned home Sat. night exhausted but exhilarated from our class and put some of what I learned into my work when I went with my son on Monday and took some photos at a nearby farm. I really felt as if I had really taken some important steps in being more in tune with nature in my photography. Thanks for all you gave.”
-Suki Hanfling
“Thanks again for an amazing week. I learned so much from you and from the others in the class. I'm still processing and integrating. This was exactly what I was looking for and much more. You have a wonderful spirit, a great sense of humor, and a tremendous gift as an artist. Thanks for sharing your world with us for a week.”
-Ron Foster
Just wrapped up an amazing, enlightening week here in Maine at the Maine Media Workshop! We had the most wonderful teacher, leader, mentor and inspirer in Douglas Beasley, and wonderful classmates from all over the country and the world. I am so grateful and thankful for such an opportunity. This kind of synchronicity is very, very rare and magical!
-Pricilla Miller
Thank you for guiding me towards new visions and creativity. Your workshop has been a great experience.
-Marc Alter, Huntington, NY
Thanks again for an amazing week. I learned so much from you and from the others in the class. I'm still processing and integrating. This was exactly what I was looking for and much more. You have a wonderful spirit, a great sense of humor, and a tremendous gift as an artist. Thanks for sharing your world with us for a week...
-Ron Foster, Rockville, MD
I really felt as if I had really taken some important steps in being more in tune with nature in my photography. Thanks for all you gave.
-Sukii Hanfling, Watertown, MA