Texas Hill Country, Dripping Springs, Texas

Assignment/Response Workshop

April 9 - 13, 2025

Our workshop home will be the Studio Barn at Creek Road Homestead in Dripping Springs, Texas, a beautiful visual arts space in the heart of legendary Texas Hill Country, just 45 minutes from the Austin, TX airport. Photo exercises and assignments will be in and around the Studio Barn and the grounds of Creek Road Homestead and on daily afternoon field trips to unique nearby towns and sites.

More info below…

CLASS DESCRIPTION: This workshop provides a unique opportunity to renew our creative process and express ourselves visually. We will revitalize our photography by exploring relationships between our subject, the camera and ourselves. By ‘making’ rather than ‘taking’ photographs we become stronger visually by being more in touch with our inner selves and then use that awareness to deepen the connection to our chosen subjects, whether person, place, or thing. 

Photography as a Path of Spirit is an invitation to redefine not only what is personally suitable subject matter but our whole approach to creative expression. Inspiration will be sparked by a balance of conversation, meditation, photo sharing, critiques, short writing exercises, readings, poetry and more. Numerous photographic exercises and assignments designed and sequenced for both internal and external growth will help deepen our creative process.

Through these exercises, assignments and photo explorations, we learn to make images that are both more personal and more meaningful. Using the beautiful grounds of the retreat center as our backdrop we literally ‘retreat’ from our normal daily lives in order to better understand and delve into our creative process. We will cultivate simplicity while developing the power of intuition, fueled by the proper balance of contemplation and decisiveness (be mindful/act now). Much practical advice is given but more importantly we practice using this information to make more powerful and meaningful images. 

WHO SHOULD ATTEND:  While participants should have a strong working knowledge of their camera, the creative process of image making will be emphasized over the mechanics of camera use. Both digital and film in all formats, including cell phones, are welcome. Open to all levels of experience but better suited to those looking to expand their creativity and vision rather than those seeking technical proficiency.

CLASS LIMIT: 12 students

DATES: April 9-13, 2025
Starts Wednesday 6 PM Meet & Greet, Wine and light hors d'oeuvres provided
Thursday – Sunday 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Saturday Evening: catered dinner in the barn studio included

COST: $975 includes delicious freshly-prepared continental  breakfast, Saturday dinner (lodging not included, list of nearby accommodations provided)

REGISTER: via Creek Road Homestead


“I just wanted to write you and tell you what an incredible experience your latest workshop in Santa Fe was. It was exactly what I was looking for and more! You’re such an inspirational teacher. In fact, today after work I am going out and doing your simplify exercise.”

 Nate Proctor, Walnut Creek, California

“Thank you so much for the experience you gave me. I appreciate your attention to detail, and the time you took with me. I enjoyed sharing your art and creating mine. I feel so blessed to have met you and shared time with you.” 

— Tillye Kamin, Austin, Texas

“The week’s experience with you has provided a base for my recommitment to photography. Everyone’s willingness to share and to listen to our personal individual photographic ‘hang-ups’ was very special.” 

— Woody Widlund, North River, NY

“I would like to thank everyone for sharing their love, ideas and experience. I feel very grateful to have shared a week with such an amazing group of people. Now I’m preparing to go back to school with a healthy dose of inspiration.” 

— Kevin Lenihan, Chapel hill, NC

“I want to thank you again for what I learned and experienced in Santa Fe. I often find myself focusing on what I learned in your workshop and applying it during my shooting. I am also much more confident in my work and my vision.” 

— Cheryl Malone, Quincy MA

“I am really writing to thank you for a life changing experience. My wife and I cried as we reviewed my photos from the course — especially the self-portrait. I know your teaching, or leading, has touched others before, but I hope you live a rich life for the incredible experience you have given me. And I learned some photography too.” 

— Blake Martin, South Windsor, CT

“I just want to send a personal note to tell you how much I enjoyed the workshop. I learned things that will help me move forward in my search for more creativity and feeling in my work.” 

— Jim McKinniss, Rodondo Beach, CA

“I found your workshop to be very expansive to my way of viewing and potentially creating photos. “This way of seeing is just a glimpse now, but I hope to continue to develop that part of me. Which I think is actually just letting my authentic voice/vision be heard instead of stifled by how I think I should be photographing. Thank you for creating an open and supportive atmosphere.” 

— Mary Lynn Sasso, Kensington, CA

“I have been thinking of you lately and feeling so grateful for your class. I have grown so much thanks to your guidance. With your class I am in love with photography again.” 

— Susan Boe, Santa Fe, NM

“My images from this week have a certain resonance and emotional vibrance that my previous images did not have.” 

— Bob Kessler, Chicago, IL

“I’ve had time to reflect a bit on your class and I wanted to thank you again for such a wonderful week! What a blessing that you generously share so much of yourself, your talent, experience and wisdom… I feel richer as a photographer and richer as a person from the experience last week.’”

 — Kathy Oliver, Houston, TX