• What is your first, intuitive or visceral reaction? Do you like the photo?
• Does it show artistic vision or is it just a lucky shot?
• Are you drawn into the image? Is it compelling?
• Do your eyes linger or is it a quick read and you’re ready to move on to the next image?
• What is the photo about?
• What is the subject of the photo? Is it too obvious or too subtle?
• Do you sense the photographer’s connection to, or caring for, the subject matter?
• Do you sense the photographer’s presence in the image?
• Are the technical aspects (exposure, contrast, color balance, etc.) of sufficient quality?
• Do any technical deficiencies get in the way of experiencing the photo or its intent?
• Have you seen similar images? How is it the same or different than those?
• Does it fit into a particular photographic genre? (like nature, landscape, documentary…)
• Is it a good example of that genre or a copycat or generic example?
• Are you shown anything new? Is there a unique perspective or point of view shared?
• Is there a mood or feeling portrayed? What is it?
• Does that mood add to your understanding or enjoyment of the image?
• Are the photos well ‘seen’? Is the whole frame utilized, corner-to-corner, edge-to-edge?
• Could the photograph be framed or cropped more effectively? How?
•  Where does your eye enter the frame?
• Where is your eye drawn? How does it more through the frame? Where does it land?
• Is your eye led out of the frame? Where?
•  Is there a metaphor present, intended or not? What is it? Is it too obvious or cliche?
• Does the metaphor deepen your understanding of the photographers intent? Or your enjoyment of the photo?
• Are there any additional layers of meaning intended or implied?
• How could the photo be made stronger? Or clearer? Or more subtle? Or simpler?
• What would you have done differently?

©Douglas Beasley 2017